Are you seeing a blank white screen where Kid Power Ups usually are after clicking the play button?

If you see something similar to the above, where the Kid Power page loads but videos just won't play; it's pretty good bet that what is happening is your school's firewall is blocking content that comes from Vimeo, our CDN (Content Delivery Network) for videos.
Typically the easiest resolution to this is to ask your IT department to make sure our IP addresses are allowed for educators. Feel free to forward them this article for easy reference:
How to add Kid Power's IP addresses to your network's allow list
If you'd prefer to do a little more troubleshooting before opening a ticket with your IT department you're welcome to take a look at your browser's developer tools and see if vimeo is getting blocked. But this is only if you want to; I'm fairly confident that the above is our root cause.
To troubleshoot further: open your browser's developer tools (In Chrome this is View > Developer > Developer Tools). The click on the Network tab.
How to add Kid Power's IP addresses to your network's allow list
If you'd prefer to do a little more troubleshooting before opening a ticket with your IT department you're welcome to take a look at your browser's developer tools and see if vimeo is getting blocked. But this is only if you want to; I'm fairly confident that the above is our root cause.
To troubleshoot further: open your browser's developer tools (In Chrome this is View > Developer > Developer Tools). The click on the Network tab.
Now that you've got dev tools open, click refresh. After it loads click on the status bar to sort by status. Anything that isn't a 200 series status is an error of some sort, and most likely you'll see a 400 series error (these are typically shown in red). Here's an example where things are working as they should. In a failed request the status code would be a 400 series error (e.g. 401) and be red.

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